Twenty Miles on a Treadmill?!

Wooohooo!  I beat my personal record for most miles logged (consecutively) on a treadmill.  TWENTY MILES.  Woah. sarah treadmill Thankfully I had the super small gym to myself most of the time & control of the TV remote (hallelujah!).  I broke my run into segments since my treadmill couldn’t run non-stop like me 😉  Kidding, kind of…  the machine only runs for 90 minutes at a time. The breaks were great, though.  It forced me to break up the 20 mile run into nicer, easy to handle segments rather than thinking of it as ONE LONG RUN.  It was also a nice chance for me to refill my water bottle. At one point, the treadmill started to smell a little funny…kind of like it was being over-worked.  Then I looked at the bottom of my brand new Brooks after my run… Whoops.

burnin' rubber with my brand new Brooks!

burnin’ rubber with my brand new Brooks!

Anyway, after my run I celebrated with a quick lunch followed by a light nap.  The awesome & supportive hubs then treated me to a nice dinner of pasta, sausage, and veggies.  🙂 Considering how relaxing this afternoon & evening was, it makes me want to run 20 miles every day.  Ok not really.

new girl

“who’s that giiiirrrll?” “it’s Jess.”

Like those obnoxiously hot pink socks?  Yep, bought those pups today at Fleet Feet.  I’ve never done compression socks but after reading multiple posts on Monica‘s blog, I decided to give it a whirl.  They feel great, no complaints yet, but I’ll let you know if I think they actually do anything.  Besides look great, that is. 😉 Alright, it’s time for me to get back to my laying-on-the-couch-doing-nothing phase.  Tomorrow morning, I’m making a recipe from Gina’s cookbook:


slow cooker enchilada

Questions for you:

– Love compression socks?  Hate ’em?

– What’s the longest distance you’ve gone on a treadmill?

13 thoughts on “Twenty Miles on a Treadmill?!

  1. I’ve never worn compression socks, but they look great on you! Your husband made that great dinner? He must be a great guy! Seriously though, so proud of you 🙂

  2. Wow, 20 miles on the treadmill! Great job, Sarah! I’ve done 18 miles on a treadmill, but it almost killed me. I’d love to read a review of the cookbook.

  3. Dang girl! 20 miles on the treadmill?! Is the weather still bad where you are? I’m not a treadmill runner at all and would rather face the rain, heat, etc. (not always the best idea hah) so the longest I’ve done on the treadmill is 8 miles.

  4. So GLAD that the weather is warming up in IL because I am SO tired of running in a million layers of clothes or running on a treadmill. Do you ever run any races down south a little? The springfield half is the weekend and the weather looks great! 🙂

  5. Wow great job on the run! Twenty miles at all is super impressive, let alone on the treadmill!
    I have some compression socks leftover from random nose surgery last year (allergy situation and deviated septum, long story 😉 ), and I actually use those after long runs! I love them and really find they make a difference! A student budget friendly option haha

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